Luma VMS quick start
This guide will get you up and running as quickly as possible so you can dive into the manual and begin exploring the capabilities of Luma VMS.
Before you begin, please read the VMS - Technical Specifications to ensure your system has the power needed to handle VMS to your expectations.
To download the VMS,
Using Firefox or Safari, download the VMS zip file here. Using Chrome or Edge, copy this link into a new tab: . Chrome may say "Insecure download blocked" but if you press Keep it will download just fine.
Unzip the VMS download.
Double click Luma View VMS Lite.exe and follow the prompts. You may need to close antivirus software.
To uninstall, click Start > Luma View VMS > Uninstall.
Before you begin, please read the VMS - Technical Specifications to ensure your system has the power needed to handle VMS to your expectations.
Using Firefox or Safari, download the VMS zip file here.
Open Finder and select Downloads. Expand Luma VMS View ver
Open password.txt. Copy the password.
Select Luma VMS View ver from the Downloads folder.
Paste the copied password, and select OK.
Open a new Finder window and select Luma_VMS_View_vers2.1.4.40830.pkg.
Click Continue when the Installer opens.
Note: Depending on the Mac’s security settings, it may be necessary to enter the computer password. Select Install Software after entering the password.
Follow the installer steps until complete.
Click Close.
Click OK to allow Installer to access the Downloads folder.
Click Keep to keep the Installer package in it's current location.
Launch the software for the first time
Pro Tip: For security reasons, Luma VMS has its own set of credentials that are not tied to either Luma or OvrC. This allows you to grant access to the VMS without exposing your entire system to the recipient.
Run Luma VMS Client.
Pro Tip: If you get a Management Server Port (7001) conflict, VMS - Fixing the management server port conflict.
Enter the default username (admin) and password (123456).
Select whether you want the system to remember your password or enable auto login. Read and accept the privacy statement.
Click Login to access the program and begin customizing it.
Create new credentials
The system recognizes this as a new install and requires you to create a superuser (admin) password for your VMS. Enter the password twice, then click Next.
At this point, the system logs you out and asks you to log back in with the credentials you just created.
When you do, you can customize your security recovery questions and answers. If you forget your password and cannot later remember these answers, you will be locked out.
You can also configure the system to synchronize its time with your computer. If you select this, your computer (acting as the server) syncs the other devices in the VMS to its time every two hours. Be sure to enable Synchronize Time Zone if you have cameras in different zones than your computer.
Click Finish to complete the wizard.
Connect to OvrC
The program opens into the VMS - Home page and navigation bars. From the Configuration menu, click the Login OvrC hotlink. If you cannot find it, navigate to Home > Configuration > Login OvrC tab.
Here you enter the OvrC Connect credentials for the location that you want to access.
Logging in syncs the Luma VMS with that location’s Luma x20 devices. Luma VMS imports the surveillance devices from the OvrC Connect account.
Configure the cameras
Navigate to Home > Resource Management > Add, Edit or Delete Device tab > Encoding Device to check the cameras in your system. Encoding Device tab.
Add a camera to the live view
Go to Home > Video Preview to view the live feed.
To add a camera to the live view,
drag a camera from the list at left and drop it into a channel window, or
click a window to select it and then double-click a camera.
To remove a camera from a channel window,
hover over a channel and select the Close Channel icon, or
right-click on a channel and select Close Channel from the menu, or
click the Close All icon on the tool bar at the bottom.
VMS - Video Preview (Live View)